Neurotheology 禱告的腦神經科學

Bonita Wang
2 min readApr 7, 2019


Dr. Andrew Newberg 是腦神經科醫生,任職於美國Thomas Jefferson University,過去做了不少宗教和大腦的研究。他使用腦部斷層掃描影像,研究專心禱告默想的人的大腦活動變化,發現祈禱會令前額葉皮質區的活動增加,提升注意力和規劃能力,也可防止大腦的認知衰退。

他的TED Talk 簡單show 了幾張大腦活動的圖,並說明祈禱前後的分別。而他亦著有一系列的相關書籍

若想簡單看多幾張大腦掃描圖和簡短解釋,可到這裡。當中的Q&A 很有趣, 絕對要看,例如提及大腦的兩個最基本功能,與宗教的功能一樣。

// ...the brain has two primary functions that can be considered from either a biological or evolutionary perspective. These two functions are self-maintenance and self-transcendence. The brain performs both of these functions throughout our lives. It turns out that religion also performs these two same functions. So, from the brain’s perspective, religion is a wonderful tool because religion helps the brain perform its primary functions.//

而另一題Why won’t God go away?

//The main reason God won’t go away is because our brains won’t allow God to leave. Our brains are set up in such a way that God and religion become among the most powerful tools for helping the brain do its thing — self-maintenance and self-transcendence. Unless there is a fundamental change in how our brain works, God will be around for a very long time.//


Dr. Newberg 參與的另一個研究發現,伊斯蘭教的密集式禱告,對大腦活動的影響和上述的恰恰相反。(這大概解釋到為何伊斯蘭教徒有『聖戰死士』吧~)

//But, other religious practices can have the opposite effect on the same brain areas. For instance, one of the most recent studies co-authored by Dr. Newberg shows that intense Islamic prayer — “which has, as its most fundamental concept, the surrendering of one’s self to God” — reduces the activity in the prefrontal cortex and the frontal lobes connected with it, as well as the activity in the parietal lobes.

The prefrontal cortex is traditionally thought to be involved in executive control, or willful behavior, as well as decision-making. So, the researchers hypothesize, it would make sense that a practice that centers on relinquishing control would result in decreased activity in this brain area.//

我未看Dr. Newberg 的書,只是從另一本書知道他的研究。用『看得見』的d大腦掃描證實禱告的效用,是很有趣事呢~ 未來一定至少挑一本看看。:)

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