從微軟CEO 推介Growth Mindset 說起
微軟CEO Satya Nadella 透過改變公司文化 -growth mindset,帶領公司迎戰Apple, Google, Amazon,成績有目共睹,尤其是商業的雲端服務。他推介Mindset: Changing the Way You Think to Fulfill Your Potential ,書中提及兩種mindsets:
(1) fixed mindset :認為有限 & 無得變
(2) growth mindset:相信透過學習可以改變 & 進步
大部份人都擁有兩種mindsets,例如我:對於智能(intelligence), 我抱持growth mindset, 但對於個性(personality), 我傾向fixed mindset。書中列出幾個問題&句子,能輕易測試傾向。每個人對不同範疇如性格,才智,創意等,會有不同觀念。
數日前,我寫了《婚姻中的權力鬥爭》,文中提到夫婦的爭拗例子,竟然在Mindset 一書出現:fixed mindset 的丈夫和growth mindset 的太太走在一起,會發生甚麼情況?
//Every time I said something like “Why don’t we try to go out a little more?” or “I’d like it if you consulted me before making decisions,” he was devastated. Then instead of talking about the issue I raised, I’d have to spend literally an hour repairing the damage and making him feel good again… I just wanted to communicate.
So the husband’s idea of a successful relationship — total, uncritical acceptance — was not the wife’s. And the wife’s idea of a successful relationship — confronting problems — was not the husband’s. One person’s growth was the other person’s nightmare.//
聖經教導「愛與尊重」- 太太無條件順服 & 尊重丈夫,而丈夫要愛太太甚至為她捨己(正如基督愛教會)。
Mindset 提到growth mindset 讓人不斷學習和進步,累積知識和智慧,才會越來越intelligent。聖經卻教唯諾順服。
科學注重知識的發展(stretching intelligence),聖經卻是教做人(stretching personality)。
中國有句諺語:三歲定八十。不知道有多少人像我一般,認為性格是天生,很難改變。Growth mindset 的人遇上錯誤、挫折、挑戰、失敗,會樂於學習 和改正。
科學的驗證方法,有清晰的對錯指標,讓人較易學習和修正。但『如何做人』卻沒有一套普世標準。聖經擺出一個標準 - 耶穌,讓人可以學習和修正處世方式,這是stretching personality 吧!?
科學無法證實 神的存在,也不相信馬利亞是童貞女生子。那麼信奉科學是否必然否定信仰?據說,有信仰的科學家,可以違反科學法則和邏輯相信 神。
若果科學和信仰是兩套系統:stretching intelligence & stretching personality,就能共存了。就如手腳拉筋的理論和眼球放鬆的理論,即便有矛盾之處,只要兩套方法確實能伸展手腳和放鬆眼球,我們就不會為了兩者不一致而棄其一。
(註:好友告訴我,並非全部人都以實用角度看科學和信仰 - 即不理會汽車和電腦背後的原理,只顧開車和上網。有人為了追求真理,而科學和信仰的分歧,在於哪一個才是真理。除此之外,昨日看了電影《Breakthrough》,講述2015年美國St. Louis 廣為報道的真人真事奇跡 - 禱告後起死回生。所以信仰帶著難以解釋的強大力量… 好吧,這些是題外話,兼且未思考清楚,將來有機會再談。)
Mindset 又提到女性對別人的意見太認真。
//Many females have a problem not only with stereotypes, but with other people’s opinions of them in general. They trust them too much… This vulnerability afflicts many of the most able, high-achieving females. Why should this be? When they’re little, these girls are often so perfect, and they delight in everyone’s telling them so. They’re so well behaved, they’re so cute, they’re so helpful, and they’re so precocious. Girls learn to trust people’s estimates of them. “Gee, everyone’s so nice to me; if they criticize me, it must be true…
Boys are constantly being scolded and punished. When we observed in grade school classrooms, we saw that boys got eight times more criticism than girls for their conduct. Boys are also constantly calling each other slobs and morons. The evaluation lose a lot of their power… A male friend once called me a slob and I was shocked. It was then that I realized no one had ever said anything like that to me. Males say it to each other all the time…//
上述例子,又讓我想起《婚姻中的權力鬥爭》提到男女天生的差異 -女性要愛,男性要尊重。hm… 其實,這會否和後天培養方式有關?女孩的成長過程真的較少被呼喝懲罰或不禮貌對待,多數被讚精靈可人sweet。記得不少朋友曾說我太認真(笑),多年後的我當然有進步!早前一班朋友飯聚,其中兩人閒話,我竟然對其中一位說:其實你是否不需要咁認真聽和回應呢?(哈哈~ 多年前的我肯定說不出這句話!)
扯遠了,關於『愛與尊重』,可能未必和天生性別有關,而是從小的養育過程,讓女性說話&聆聽都太認真,男性則對態度言詞較不在乎。若果女性學會男性隨口噏&習慣性無禮,夫妻相處大概會輕鬆得多 -男性不會輕易感到被冒犯,女性不會經常覺得不被愛。(不知這想法是對或錯,短期亦沒機會測試考究,希望已婚的友人可以測試後告知。:P)
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